Auteurs exposés : Marine Blandin, Lorenzo Chiavini, Rachel Deville, Marie-Laure Dougnac, Catherine Ferrier, Elena Forcato, Nicolas Gazeau, Thomas Gosselin, François Henninger, Alexeï Kispredilov, Jung-Hyoun Lee, Lola Lorente, Andréas Marchal, Alban Marilleau, Sylvie-Anne Menard, Eva Montanari, Freddy Nadolny Poustochkine, Ninie (Virginie Perrot), Yoon-Sun Park, Amruta Patil, Valentina Principe, Aude Samama, Anaël Seghezzi, Clara Tanit, Alfonso Zapico.
All Extremely Precarious is an International newsblog with invited contributors edited by Joselyn Morton
30 January 2010
la Bande Dessine
Auteurs exposés : Marine Blandin, Lorenzo Chiavini, Rachel Deville, Marie-Laure Dougnac, Catherine Ferrier, Elena Forcato, Nicolas Gazeau, Thomas Gosselin, François Henninger, Alexeï Kispredilov, Jung-Hyoun Lee, Lola Lorente, Andréas Marchal, Alban Marilleau, Sylvie-Anne Menard, Eva Montanari, Freddy Nadolny Poustochkine, Ninie (Virginie Perrot), Yoon-Sun Park, Amruta Patil, Valentina Principe, Aude Samama, Anaël Seghezzi, Clara Tanit, Alfonso Zapico.
Rabbie Burns
But aye a heart above them a'
He'll be a credit tae us a'
We'll a' be proud o' Robin"
Is pleasant to the e'e
But without some better qualities
She's no' the lass for me.
Corn rigs are bonnie
I'll never forget that happy night
Amongst the rigs wi' Annie.
And may it ne'er be thriving
It's not the length that makes me loup
But it’s the double driving.
Tho' ye come her a wee bit unsought for…
I'll never rue my trouble wi' thee
The cost nor shame o't
But be a loving father to thee
And brag the name o' t
And the rocks melt wi' the sun
I will love thee still my dear
Till the sands o life shall run
We climbed the hill thegither
And mony a canty day, Jo
We had wi' one another
Now we must totter doon Jo,
But hand in hand we'll go
We’ll sleep thegither at the foot -
John Anderson my Jo
Oh wert thou in the cauld blast, on yonder lea, on yonder lea
My plaidie to the angry airt
I'll shelter thee, I'll shelter thee"
As come it will, for a' that
That sense and worth o'er a the earth
May bear the gree and a' that
For a' that and a' that
It's coming yet for a' that
That man to man the world ower
Shall brothers be for a' that.
identite nationale
Richard French's iPod
BBC Radio 7
Cow Hill in the Scottish Highlands, providing a service to
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Please spread the word about Radio 7 if you've any friends or family living in these areas - so they're not missing out!
Both of them are thrilled to be joining our team of presenters. This is what Nick Briggs said:
" I'm really excited to have joined the BBC Radio 7 team. I've long been a listener of the 7th Dimension as I'm an avid sci-fi fan What could be better - getting paid to talk about my favourite thing?
What indeed could be better, Nick?
22 January 2010
Meatworks The Musical 'Toy Boy'
One of the good consequences of our car accident is that Roger’s chest hurt so much, he couldn’t do much. Fortified by the good wishes of family and friends who drummed into us how lucky we were to have escaped being the mushed-up centerpiece in a concrete centre barrier, we have tried to be positive.
Roger, therefore has been reviving our Musical, Meatworks with the intention of putting 15 minutes worth on Youtube. This has not been a simple operation. First there had to be a painful lapse of 10 years. (Yet even now, looking at the footage of our 14 cast members, we have to fight back the tears.) Next, Roger had to learn the process of transferring our old video tapes onto his computer. These tapes have lain in the attic in the scorching heat in the summer and the freezing cold in the winter. They were in the last box that we looked in (by which time we had convinced ourselves that they had gone missing.)
They are not in perfect condition, but they are usable. Just. They were never any great shakes. They were shot using my ‘casting’ video camera. There was no budget to hire proper gear – but it does give us a record of the show (which was performed in a 700-seater theatre in
Meatworks is about a NZ freezing works which is owned by the English Lord Zesty (Many NZ freezing works were actually owned by Lord Vesty). His son arrives to close down the Works and meets with great resistance from the locals. Animal Rights Activists take the opportunity to arrive in their bus-loads. This song Toy Boy is sung by Jan Hellreigel (who plays Fifi, the spokesperson for the meatworkers.) She sings it to Herb (one of the Animal Rights Activists.)
The sound on our tapes could not be used because of the shortcomings in the ‘capture’ method. Roger has had to use the sound engineer’s mix off a DAT recording. He is not happy with the synch but we have to live with it until we find out how to perfect it.
We have got a couple of muso friends coming over to our (cold) house tomorrow evening to watch the video and hopefully give us some feed-back. This is a brave move on our part as the defeat of Meatworks (lack of funding and support from the NZ Arts Bodies)
severely traumatized us… sending us on our present slippery and extremely precarious slope. If J & J don’t totally rubbish it, we will feel sufficiently empowered by that and by avoiding the ‘big tragedy in the snow’ ,to choose another 3 or 4 songs to put on Youtube.
The aim of this being to attract interest in the project and see if we can kick-start it into life.
The original Book and Lyrics of the Musical were conceived and written by me. I then approached musician Stephen Small who composed and wrote and arranged all the music. Award-winning Director Roger Morton directed and co-produced it with me. Our Executive Producer was Jan Hay. We had a large cast (including Iranian actor Ferooz Afshar who played Abdul the Halal butcher). Our two main leads were Jan Hellriegel and Willa O’Neill.
I’ve just dug out the programme in which I had written:
Meatworks is an energetic and vibrant rock musical. Set in the freezing works, it tells the story of a bunch of ordinary New Zealanders facing the closure of their Meatworks. Political compromises and other serious issues are married with moonlit romances, love on the chain, vegetarian activism and women masquerading as blokes.
Joselyn Morton
From Richard French's iPod
What's in name?
I once worked with a Creative Director who was despatched to
like LA. He then flew on to the real
at all - LA was the real thing, Sydney a mere impostor.
So it is with
Leceister Comedy Festival
Banksy, the film ...
Can't I do some more?
BBC Radio 7