Australian Politics – a heads up – Part Two post-wedding
Recently there has been a swing from Labour by voters who find the present day Labor no longer has any relevance for them as the political decisions relating to local people are made elsewhere - take the corruption and bullying tactics of NSW Labor. The swing away from Labor correlates almost exactly with the swing to the Greens who find their candidates amongst locals. Australia has a preferential system where you can say who your second choice is if your first choice did not gain a majority. In the last two elections,
Victoria and NSW the two major parties agreed not to give their preferences to Greens candidates in an attempt to deny benefit to the greens. It seems the two big parties want to keep it that way and have succeeded.
Because Greens voters have generally come from Labor ranks quite often they have directed their preferences to Labor. In the Federal Government the support of the Greens in the senate and in the lower house is essential so that Labor has the numbers to govern. How this can continue with Labor no longer giving their preferences to the Greens is hard to see. In the recent NSW state election the greens directed their supporters not to give preferences to Labor in a tit for tat decision. The Greens are the demographic that has the biggest disposable income and see themselves as incorruptible. You can only be corrupted if you have
some position or influence to sell so at this stage they appear not to be corrupt.
Federal Labor is on a knife-edge needing not just the greens but also four other independents to govern. Given this it is surprising in recent days to see Julia Gillard, the NSW right appointed Prime Minister, launching an attack on the Greens She said that they are a political Party that does not understand the culture and real concerns of the Australian people. Obviously the 1.5 million voters who went for green are not really Australian people.
Where this madness is leading no one knows. Julia who has an ability to sound completely insincere in every speech she makes thereby ensuring nobody trusts her especially when she is likely to say the opposite in a matter of days or weeks. Half way through the last election when things were going bad she came out with the line that she was going from that day forth to be the ‘real Julia’ making all the voters who thought the unreal Julia who they did not like was some sort of ‘unreal Julia’. She only got in because Tony Abbot was an even bigger liar and a thug to boot. This failed Priest had won a boxing scholarship to Oxford so he nose a few things about beating his opponent – thankfully not quite enough.
Kevin Rudd the Prime Minister Julia dumped, with the support of the NSW Right clowns, now travels the world in his consolation-prize job as Foreign Minister sniping at her and reminding voters that she dumped him after trashing his policy on global warming.
Julia has now had a change of heart and has announced a yet to be devised carbon tax, which she calls a carbon price. To head off the expected ‘ANOTHER GREAT BIG TAX’ from the opposition Julia has promised that Australian households will be reimbursed for the
tax they pay – so they can put more down to pokies or send the kids off to a $27,000 private school or whatever.
Where will this go -who knows. The Green’s prime concern is action on global warming, which the voters clearly want trashed both by Julia and Abbot. The Australian people voted Rudd back in because he was committed to fighting global warming. Abbot
either supports it or not depending on which position offers the best advantage. Abbot and Gillard are now saying the Greens can’t be trusted because they don’t know what the people want and even if the Greens are right they can’t be trusted anyway.
Julia is swanning off to the royal wedding -presumably because the focus groups say voters like royal weddings. En route she stopped off to tell the Japanese emperor that his people are in Australian’s hearts (except the ones that built the Burma railway) She gave the
Japanese Prime Minister an Australian emergency worker’s hardhat. I guess she thought it would go with the workers outfit that all the Japanese pollies started wearing after the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear accident stuff.
When asked what she was gunna do about all those Muslims who were illegally arriving to have our lifestohl Julia says she’ll knock up an internment camp in East Timor – only she did not bother talking to the East Timorese about it first so they’ve just gone and said like - no?
This bungling gives makes PM Gillard an easy target for the Opposition leader in the Federal Government. Tony Abbott gives the appearance of a seriously deranged person as he derides Julia’s daily announcements such as her position on the carbon tax.
Abbot is usually photographed swimming in budgie smugglers or cycling around Australia in tight fitting racing gear. This failed the monk daily trots out his populist opposition to anything the Labor Government proposes. He has a gang of fellow crazies including
the dead-eyed lawyer opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Julie Bishop, who seems to think her stare will bring down any person, or thing that she directs it at. Next we have Christopher Pyne (Paaaiin!!!!!)who has the sneering lisp of a private school bully.
Which is worse? the chalk on the blackboard? or Pynes voice a sound that can induce severe nausea. (no prizes). Then we have the fat jolly rugby player Joe Hockey who lies about anything going in order to prove his point.
There is more but I think you get the drift.
See you round like a racetrack.
Stephen O’Rourke