Contents 24 Feb 2012
Art: Photos Roger Morton
Ireland: Daren Blake
Cartoon: Claudia Ward
A Song not a Fight: JD Morton
Richard French’s ipad:
Stephen O’R’s Sydney
Radio4 Extra: Mary Kalemkerian
Frid 24 February 2012
The weeks since I last posted totally flew by. We did a lot of
stuff but other stuff simply got left undone – so last night we went to see Le
Cheval de Guerre in Perigueux and tomorrow night we are going to see The
Artist because we like to see as many good movies as possible before
the Oscars. Tantalizingly, The Artist was on everywhere in London, but we never
had a spare minute in which to grab a screening.
We are so pleased for Jean Dujardin’s nomination because we have
been big fans since we used to watch him and Alexandra Lamy at 8pm, every
evening for 10 minutes in Un Gars Une Fille.
On a more serious note US soldier Bradley Manning is still
waiting for a court hearing after 635 days in solitary confinement. He is
accused of dumping military information on Wikileaks – this includes a video of
a U helicopter attack on civilians which killed 11 people including 2 Reuter
Before we went to the UK I watched a chilling documentary
depicting how for many, many years Swiss children were taken from their
families (often violently) and forced to work in indentured labour. I believe
this went on right up until the 60s. The squeaky clean Swiss – what a bunch of
bastards, doing it to their own countrymen. Sick.
Just as sick as what is happening in Syria right now. Two
journalists have just been killed – Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik.
Now the journalist Edith Bouvier has been seriously injured and
may bleed to death if now taken to where she can receive much-needed surgery on
her leg.
A cease-fire is urgently needed to get her out of Homs, a city
of 500,000 people without water or electricity; soon without food. I may have
mentioned before that Syria does always send a shiver down my spine because our
grandson Mitchell’s other Great grandfather was killed there during the 2nd
World War. (He was the first Maori to be the Commander of the Maori
Battallion). How long is this senseless killing going on for?
Like many, I felt a great sadness at the death of Whitney
So my darlings, live life to the full. Realise your dreams et bonne chance avec tout
Joselyn Morton