Bees for Berwick Advertiser: Graham
Young Stranger: Joselyn Duffy Morton
Cover photo: Roger Morton
It was 24 degrees today, but evidently
it is going to rain tomorrow. Never mind, it was a faultless gift. We are off
to the UK on Thursday, so between now and then the weather doesn’t matter too
much as we have so much to do (although there are a couple of patches of weeds
in our top garden that I would like to blitz before we head off. It’s hard to
do that in the rain.) A darling old friend (who I can trust not to mind my
pre-packing mess) came to lunch today and my boeuf bourguignon was delicious.
(Sorry to all my vegetarian friends but you must already know what a
weak-willed woman I am when it comes to food.) I now totally trust my SuperU
butcher. We had dessert and coffee outside in the sun; today is the first day
for months I haven’t worn woolly tights and socks under my thick trousers. It
felt like heaven to feel the sun on my skin again. This winter has been too
The sun is not the only thing to
celebrate, UK folk are madly celebrating Maggie Thatcher’s death (I am now
going to piss off the other half of my friends.) French folk not so much – she
didn’t have such a disastrous effect on their lives (although Jacques Chirac
was evidently heard to say to Maggie Thatcher during negotiations in Brussels
(when he thought the mic was off) something along the lines of ‘Qu’est-ce que
vous voulez - mes coquilles sur un plateau?’ ie ‘what do you want, my balls on
a plate?’
If you think I am being extreme, read
Lucy Mangan’s weekend column in the Guardian this week. Both her parents (her
mother a doctor in deprived areas and her father at the National Theatre)
loathed Maggie Thatcher.
Balancing the legacy of misery she
imposed and left behind are the surge of jokes that have emerged this week:
‘She’s only been in hell 20 minutes and already she’s closed down three
furnaces’; there were typos from the BBC and the Irish website The Journal –
both reported that ‘Maggie Thatcher dies following a strike’ and ‘Maggie
Thatcher died from a strike’. Somewhere I read ‘Iron Lady rust in peace’.
One aspect that still makes me mad is
since her ‘right to buy’ strategy, state council houses (on controlled rents) got
sold off and there is now a great lack of affordable houses for people in need to
rent. Step in ‘private enterprise’- people on housing benefits now pay their
state benefit to private landlords ie state benefits go straight into the
pockets of private individuals - the state is providing profit for private
landlords (whereas pre-Thatcher, the state owned the houses that Council
tenants rented. That seems like a better way of using taxpayers’ money!).
To conclude on this hard-assed woman –
my dictionary describes society as 1. The totality of social relationships
among organised groups of human beings or animals. 2. A system of human
organisations generating distinctive cultural patterns and institutions and
usually providing protection, security, continuity and a national identity for
its members.
Thatcher was famously quoted as saying,
‘There is no such thing as Society. There are only individual men and women and
their families’. She did her best to turn the powerbrokers of British society
into hard profit-making self-seekers. Can a caring British society ever emerge
again – or is it on a continuous callous course of every man and woman for him
or herself?
The words selfish and selfless sound so
similar and yet they are worlds apart.
A good start is the campaign for End Ecocide in Europe. They want to
make ecocide a crime – this would mean that individuals in positions of
superior responsibility (whose business actions caused damage to the earth)
could be made accountable by law for their crime and punished (not pay fines
which their company had the contingency funds with which to pay the fines) but
by the individuals actually going to prison; something which those top dogs
with wonderful life-styles might not actually be prepared to stomach.
Therefore, they might bail; they might think twice about the damage they were
causing and modify or change the policies of their companies so that they were
no longer having an adverse effect on our eco-systems (air, water, oceans etc).
End Ecocide in Europe needs signatures so that the European Commission and the
European Parliament will fully consider opening up the legislative process to
end ‘Ecocide’ (the extensive damage and destruction to ecosystems in the EU.) I
believe – they need something like 1 million signatures by January 2014. Check
out their website– this might be a cause that could have
great benefits for you, everyone you know and for future generations that you
don’t know.
Sleep tight, Joselyn Morton (editor)