Editorial: Joselyn Morton
Playing in Paddington: Richard French
Halloween in Ireland: Daren Blake
Cover Caption: Joselyn Morton
Am brazenly going to use my blog to try and convince
people that end ecocide in Europe is an extremely important campaign. ( I am already feeling
very shredded that my persuasive personality has not got many of my competent,
highly motivated and environmentally-aware friends already openly campaigning
for it. Hopefully the fact that the GREENPEACE International Executive Director of Kumi
Naidoo is on board will make many more people want to sign. He has written a
very strong statement of support.
Do go on the end ecocide website and check out his
statement and that of another new supporter, Elise Benjamin – her photo and
statement are now up as well.
So many people across the world gave support for the
Arctic 30 people imprisoned is Russia after demonstrating against oil drilling
in the Arctic.
Oil drilling that causes massive destruction, is one of
the actions that end ecocide is trying to stop (amongst many other, air
pollution, pollution of the oceans and rivers, mountain top mining are a few
that come to mind.) So if you support freeing the Artic 30, then obviously you
support the end ecocide campaign. The reason I am badgering and banging on
about this is because the European Commission deadline for the 1 million
signatures is 21 January 2014.
On a lighter note, I read today in Paris
Match that Alexandra Lamy and Jean Dujardin (He won an
Oscar for The Artist) are separating. I am really sad about that, I have loved
them since I first watched their Un Gars, Une Fille. Evidently
Alexandra is living in Stoke Newington, so their daughter can study in English.
Anyway, I wish them well because they are great to watch on screen.
I also read the other day that the POPE said NOPE to fracking and mega-mining
(I think it was the Independent). I am totally blown away by that, I never thought
he would make such a provocative Green statement. It is excellent and I am very
impressed, what an unexpected and powerful ally.
Ages ago the Observer wrote (11.August in fact) that the
wealth of the thousand super-rich in the Sunday Times rich list has gone up by
190bn in the past 4 years. That is a big increase. We are a lot poorer than we
were 4 years ago. Why is it so difficult for the rest of us? Just stupid, I
guess. Besides who can actually spend all those billions? Of course it is great
that the rich folk give to Charities but nonetheless, the problem of a ‘living
wage’ still has to be addressed. Being poor is very depressing and I believe
many people are depressed in Europe.
I also read somewhere that 2 French farmers a week
commit suicide. That doesn’t seem possible. They work so hard around here;
frequently until midnight. Sadly, a lot of it is misguided (maize etc.). Also I
imagine they spend a fortune on pesticides, huge machinery and transport.
Organic is obviously known about, but doesn’t seem to be very widespread.
It is a complex, madly interesting world. Keep on
turning, I say. Bonne soiree, Joselyn